

Miscellaneous Rambling


Great episode of Econtalk came out recently: Frank Dikotter on Mao's Great Famine. The idiocy and devilishness of central planning is on full display, from efforts to kill all the sparrows who are eating the grains (and thereby leading to a horrendous locust and other insect problem) to the 30 million estimated dead, it's interesting from beginning to end.


While listening to it, I kept thinking "Hayek's Road to Serfdom": when the central government disrupts the free market, it results in

problems. The problems have to be squished, so the recalcitrant central government institutes further controls. The controls become increasingly harsh until everyone outside the ruling class becomes nothing more than serfs. I read the book while in high school. I need to go back and read it again.


Related to my quest to find the perfect group of days: For maximum recharge, take Wednesday off. "A Wednesday holiday interrupts the externally imposed pacer of work, and gives you a chance to rediscover your internal rhythms for a day. While a long weekend gives you a little more time on your own schedule, it doesn't actually disrupt the week's pacing power. A free Wednesday builds space on either side, and shifts the balance between your pace and work's–in your favor." I'm not sure I buy it, but it kinda rings true with me.