
Brews You Can Use
This might be the feel-good piece of the young month: One drink a day might be enough to stop dementia by flushing the brain.
You have to pay to subscribe to read the entire article, so I searched for similar pieces. This article appears to "flush out" the same information: Does Alcohol Really 'Clean' the Brain? It has quite a bit of egghead science in it, but it basically boils down to the same old story: Moderate alcohol is good for you; excess alcohol is bad for you.
Which, of course, is something any desert monk at Scetis in the fifth century could've told you.

My reference to Scetis prompted me to Google it. I was surprised to learn that those monasteries are apparently still in use: "Scetis, now called Wadi El Natrun, is best known today because its ancient monasteries remain in use, unlike Nitria and Kellia which have only archaeological remains." Wikipedia.