
More Miscellaneous Rambling

Great idea: “Justice also requires that all of those in Church leadership who knew of the former cardinal's alleged crimes and sexual misconduct and did nothing be held accountable for their refusal to act thereby enabling others to be hurt." Bishop Michael Olson. Man, that'd clear things out. There'd be no one left to give us footnotes 351 and other gateways to normalizing gay marriage.

Or heck, we can just start with these two: "When Pope Francis was elected, [McCarrick] became an eminence grise, whose lobbying helped elevate several of the new pope's choices for high office in the American church – including the new cardinal archbishop of Newark, Joseph Tobin, and the head of the Vatican dicastery for family life, Kevin Farrell, both of whom considered McCarrick a mentor." Ross Douthat.

Everyone realizes, of course, that this is going to fade away quickly. McCarrick is a homosexual. He's protected by the Vatican Pink Mafia, political correctness, and the mainstream media. No one in the establishment wants to see this get a full airing, much less the Roman Curia. McCarrick is gone; now it's time to move on and focus on social justice issues. There are no longer any moral abominations, except, of course, environmental ones.

Random Blurb from the Notebooks: In one of his last essays, “The Eclipse of Reality," Eric Voegelin said that a man who has lost touch with his being, like the man hemmed in by the vacuous pressure of mass society, will strive to find some “mode of life that he can experience as real. His life may then assume such behavioral forms as libertinism, hedonism, the cult of violence, destructiveness, vandalism, or outright criminality. . . he may sink even lower–for instance, into the stupor of television watching–or he may take to drugs in order to 'turn on' to an existence that has been turned off beyond hope, or he may find the way out into a clinical neurosis. The phenomena adumbrated, common in our time, must be understood as severe forms of existential disintegration under the pressure of a social environment [read: a mass society where truth is ignored] in which the truth of reality has been successfully eclipsed [read: where the act of existence has been smothered].”