Looking for Blogs

My endeavor to find new blogs has assumed hobby proportions. I'm a little ashamed of it, but I guess it's like any such hobby: it produces dopamine, which produces some sort of mild (questionable) addiction. Oh well. In a life with seven kids and the grind of every day life, it's an enjoyable distraction in this cyberspace of tears. And I can do it while drinking.

Anyway, I've received a few great leads from readers. If you know of any others, please let me know. To refresh your memory:

1. I'm searching for blogs that I can feature on National Catholic Register's Blog Watch;
2. Recommended blogs should add fresh content at least a couple of times a week;
3. Recommended blogs should add fresh content in the morning (preferably, before 11:00, EDT);
4. Recommended blogs should feature the content I would approve of (readers of this blog know what I mean).