Miscellaneous Rambling
Whew, the hot weather finally broke. My dehydration immediately improved, even though I started logging a lot more time at the produce site. We got our first crop of kohlrabi yesterday. We aren't sure how it'll sell, but it really did well in inclimate conditions.
Another college physician has been accused of molesting players. This time, it's at OSU. The problem is, the doctor has been dead for a dozen years. As a Michigan alum, I've always known OSU students are slow, but that's ridiculous.
But oh my, the dedication of the D1 athlete: "Nick Nutter, an All-American wrestler in the 1990s, said he constantly did a calculation before deciding whether to see Strauss: 'Is this injury bad enough that I'm going to get molested for it?'" The answer for me would've been, "Nope, nada, no, frick no, etcno" every time, but hey, I didn't go to Ohio State.
The problem with idiocy is, there's no bottom. You just going deeper and deeper into moronic waters. "Episcopal Church considers adding gender-neutral language regarding God to its book of prayers." Link.
Random Blurb from the Notebooks: "Schall does have a soft spot for at least one “frivolous” aspect of college life today: sports. He's a sports fan and dedicates an entire essay to the goodness of spectator sports. Citing athletic references from Plato and St. Paul through the Rose Bowl and World Series, he points out that, since athletics have held mankind's attention so rapturously for so long, they must speak volumes about human nature, about us."