Special Chesterton Notice

G.K. Chesterton was born today, on May 29, and died on June 14. The Chesterton and Friends blog will be featuring a "literary calendar" of sorts during those days, using the sixteen-day window to do some interesting posting about his life and times. The blog plans to offer suggestions to readers about various Chestertonian things they can do, works they can read and consider, or just stuff to think about during the time.

It's experimental. Hopefully, it'll also be interesting. We'll see how it goes.

Currently, these are the slotted topics. A few will be added:

1. School Days
2. Early Journalism
3. Engagement to Frances Blogg
4. The early controversies (Blatchford; Shaw)
5. Gilbert in the countryside
6. Cecil Chesterton and the New Witness
7. Gilbert and the Great War
8. Politics, Marconi, and disillusionment
9. Married life
10. Father Brown
11. Gilbert and Distributism
12. Approaching Rome
13. Gilbert's travels
14. Latter days