More Miscellaneous Rambling
Count me in this group: Americans are more anxious than a year ago, survey finds. A major setback at Maximum Greens will cripple early season production this year. I broke the news to Max last night, explaining that his main source of income is going to be meager. He's bummed, but hey, our inaugural flower season is off to a decent start. Our first plugs go into the ground later this week and most of them look really good (not counting the ones that Tess' cat ripped out of their cells . . . queue Frank Costanza).
But hey, I'm doing better than the 25,000,000 annual visitors to Kansas City. Link.
I dig southern rock. According to my son, it started with the solo guitar segment that you'll find at about minute three of this video. The commentary under the video is also worth checking out if you're interested in music history.
Definitely worth checking out (link):