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A loyal TDE reader sends along this perfect BYCU piece: Catholic Beer Club responds to millennials' thirst for community. It's America Magazine, but they managed to write it without any reference to the trans community, so I'm impressed.

I can't really tell with the Catholic Beer Club is about, but it's structured enough that you have to get your local chapter recognized in order to use the name. I gather it's kinda like Kiwanis or Rotary, but without the public service aspect. It's just a bunch of Catholics sitting around, drinking beer and talking. "[N]o speaker giving a catechetical talk, no priest fielding questions, no special reserved seating. Just a group of young Catholics casually chatting, laughing and getting to know one another, likely with a pale ale or stout in hand."

I like it. I've been pushing Theology on Tap more in that direction. The formal lecture was fairly well received, but not nearly as well received as I had hoped. I would prefer a more relaxed atmosphere, but we need something to bring the people in, something besides, "Come have a few drinks with other Catholics."

I noticed at the site that Relevant Radio advertises at the America Magazine site. I'm still greatly enjoying Relevant Radio, but that's strike three on the liberal side of things: (1) One of their priest hosts harped on the idea that health care is a human right (a proposition so absurd, only a group of bishops could believe it . . . if you can't get health care in the Alaskan outback because there's no facility nearby, your human rights haven't been violated, whereas, if you were told not to articulate your views on health care in the Alaskan outback, your rights have been violated); (2) Tobin sits on its Episcopal Advisory Council (but so do orthodox stalwarts like Bishop Morlino); (3) It advertises with America Magazine. I was inches from signing up to be a recurring gift donor, but it ain't happening now. I'm still a fan, but I'm gonna have to give myself some distance before donating more money to them.

