Shacking Up and Shaking Out
A few interesting items from the National Catholic Register that came today:
1. A study in Britain shows that unmarried couples with young children are five times more likely to break up than married couple families. Nearly one in two cohabitating couples split before their child's fifth birthday, compared to one in 12 married persons.
2. The Vatican upheld Bishop Bruskewitz's excommunication sweep from nine years ago. Readers may recall that the Nebraska bishop gave members in various organizations thirty days to drop their membership or automatically incur excommunication. America was shocked, the event even getting coverage on NBC's Today show. Somewhere, we're sure some nitwit screamed "separation of church and state" and many people thought it was inconsistent with American liberty, when, in fact, it was perfectly consistent with American liberty: use your liberty to choose between two inconsistent memberships, and no matter what you decide, you're still a U.S. citizen with all the rights that come with it.
The dissident organizations included Planned Parenthood, Society of Saint Pius X, Hemlock Society, Call to Action, Freemasons, Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls, and Catholics for a Free Choice.