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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

I ran a quote by George Scott-Moncrieff. Who's he? He was Russell Kirk's friend, whom Kirk praised in his autobiography, The Sword of Imagination. "Scomo" was "the worst-dressed gentleman in all Scotland, indifferent to circumstance, endowed with the consolations of philosophy." In other words, my kind of guy, though I have decent clothes, find myself too wrapped up by circumstance, and forget frequently to take consolation in what I've learned from philosophy. But otherwise, my kind of guy.

Ceiling. Trastevere

I'm not sure any of Scomo's books are still in print, but you can find some pretty good deals at Amazon. I bought This Day a few years ago and have found it edifying. I also read his Burke Street but, truth be told, I remember very little about it.

Ceiling. Trastevere

Happy birthday to my Mom today. I don't think she's a Scomo fan, but she does frequent TDE. A woman of high-caliber tastes, she.

Ceiling. Trastevere

I always tell myself I need to go back and read more Kirk, but I never get around to it. I'm about a third of the way through Brad Birzer's excellent biography and I think I'll finish it some day. Right now, the before-after line is October 2025, assuming I'm graced to live that long.
