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Brews You Can Use

I found a trove of drinking news over here. A few of the better ones:

Good to know: "Professor Andrew Jarosz of Mississippi State University and colleagues served vodka-cranberry cocktails to 20 male subjects until their blood alcohol levels neared legal intoxication and then gave each a series of word association problems to solve. Not only did those who imbibed give more correct answers than a sober control group performing the same task, but they also arrived at solutions more quickly. The conclusion: drunk people are better at creative problem solving." Link.

This gets me caught up on the world of alcohol packaging in 50 words: "Over the past decade, the once humble can has emerged as the hottest beer packaging on the market. Even the wine industry has taken notice, with canned wines getting trendy in their own right. But now, a new Colorado brewery is taking a cue from the wine industry with a plan to sell all of its to-go beer in boxes." Link. I don't see myself buying beer in a box, but I like to see folks innovating in these areas.

This sounds terrible, but I give them credit for the bad pun: "Beer made from milk? Cornell researcher finds a whey to brew it." Link.
