TDVC Day is Here!
And as you've heard, the reviews aren't real good. Rotten Tomatoes has a great set of review blurbs. A few of my favorites:
"You know a movie's a dud when even its self-flagellating albino killer monk isn't any fun."
"Every time Langdon starts to educate Sophie, the urge to tune out is overwhelming."
"Way too long and duller than watching Da Vinci's paint dry...takes away the book's little credibility and makes the flaws more obvious."
"Who knew controversy could be so dull?"
"As for the film's entertainment virtues, forget it. This is one of the most talky and pretentious major films in memory."
Pretentious? Well, at the least the movie is loyal to the book, which screams "Self-important author at work!" on every page.