I've heard that Boston College's "Catholicism" was pretty wretched, but hadn't read much about it. Campus Report has a pretty good piece on it. Excerpt:

BC also hosts a Lambda Law Students Association that promotes gay marriages. The Catholic Church, of course, refuses to allow its priests to perform such matrimonial ceremonies. “I want to begin by saying that everything I know about queer activism I learned at BC Law,” Kara Suffredini, a legislative lawyer at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said at Lambda Law's annual dinner. “Put that in your admissions brochure.”
The Church views marriage as a sacrament. While the Church has always urged compassion towards homosexuals, it, nonetheless views homosexuality as a sin.
BC plays down its Catholicism most of the time. “You know, I don't ever remember seeing a Crucifix in the dorms or in the lecture halls,” Diane Macedo, a 2004 graduate of BC recalls. The school cafeteria serves meat on Friday during Lent.