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Brews You Can Use

Drinking in China: The Qingdao Beer Festival. According to the author, it's a terrible festival: boring, bad food, bad beer. It's a good, humorous read, but if you just want a few of the highlights:

Beer brewing in Qingdao began in the early 20th century when the Europeans carved up China amongst themselves. The Kaiser's Germany got Qingdao, and settlers there did the exact same thing they did in Wisconsin: they opened a brewery. . . .
This is a civilization that has never known the expressions, “After you,” “You can't smoke here,” or “Please lower your voice,” and it was all on noxious, shoving, ear-shattering display. . . .
Eric Grochowsky, 35, a math teacher at the international school, said the Chinese were big drinkers and have their own ways of getting shitfaced. “They definitely have their own rituals,” he said. “They toast to something, then bang back whatever they're drinking. They want to pass out, it's a machismo thing.”

This is most interesting drinking story of the young year: The Case of the Hidden Cases of Canadian Club. Starting in 1967, Hiram Walker & Sons started hiding cases of Canadian Club around the world for treasure hunters to find. It generated a huge amount of PR interest, and the gimmick continued until 1981. As of today, eight of the cases still haven't been found and no one, including the company, know where they are. All we know is, six of the locations can be deduced from the old ads: the Yukon Territory, Loch Ness, Tanzania, Robinson Crusoe Island, the North Pole, and Lake Placid, NY.

I'm at the Cursillo, where, I'm reasonably certain, they won't be offering much to drink. I wrote this post earlier in the week and programmed it to appear Friday morning. Hoist one for me tonight. It's also Polycarp's feast day. Hoist one for him, too.
