In her new memoir, NOW IT'S MY TURN (Simon & Schuster/Threshold Editions, 2006), Mary Cheney writes that when she told her parents she was gay, the first words out of her father's mouth “were exactly the ones that I wanted to hear: 'You're my daughter, and I love you, and I just want you to be happy.'”
Hence, I'm not a neo-con. I realize neo-cons count Christians and Catholics in their ranks, but all-in-all, it's an intellectual movement of the agnostic. Even if they believe in God, the practical application of any God-like principles (like, say, sin makes a person unhappy) is laughable in their eyes.
No person who has a scintilla of moral common sense could tell his daughter, "I just want you to be happy," with the implication that homosexual activity can make her happy. But Cheney doesn't strike me as a person with a lot of moral common sense, his considerable charitable giving notwithstanding. He's rich, so that makes him certified brilliant in many Americans' minds, but if he honestly said those words to his daughter, he is, to use Flannery O'Connor's phrase, a "moral moron."