My Sin Against Charity

Forgive me, but I kinda hope the box leaks. I don't know why. I guess the fame mongering bugs me. Then again, I'm the one with a blog.

Having starved himself and been frozen in ice, US magician David Blaine now plans to spend seven days submerged in a water-filled container in New York.
The latest stunt by the renowned illusionist will seem him enter a 2.5 metre high acrylic sphere on May 1 and remain submerged for a week.
A mask and air line will keep him alive, while food will be provided in the form of liquid nutrition through a tube.
At the end of the seven days, Blaine, 33, will remove his air supply and attempt to hold his breath longer than the current world record of eight minutes and 58 seconds, before finally climbing out of the human aquarium.
