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Tonight's Handout:

The Reformation Years

Five Branches of Protestantism
The bulk of churches can trace their roots to one of five sources

1. Lutheranism
These are, you know, the Lutherans. Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden

2. Reformed
Presbyterians, Congregationalists. Puritans. Zwingli/Calvin. Switzerland, Netherlands, Scotland

3. Radical
Baptists, Swiss Brethren (later split into Mennonite and Amish around 1700)

(Did you hear about the Amish prostitute?
She did ten Mennonite)

4. Anglican
Henry VIII: King Lust. Episcopalians. Later Offshoots: Methodists . . . Wesleyans

5. Pentecostal
Snake handlers. First hit big in 1906 in Los Angeles (go figger). Well beyond period we're covering.

Bread and wine turn into body and blood. Catholic position

Bread and wine remain bread and wine and become body and blood. Lutheran position.

No presence at all
Reformed and Radical. Sacraments merely signs of inner transformation.

Don't baptize infants
Radical. If sacraments reflect inner transformation, how can infants receive? Logical.

Catherine Aragon
King Henry VIII's first wife. Aunt of Emperor Charles V. Mother of Mary Tudor (“Bloody Mary,” queen of England 1553-1558)

Anne Boleyn
Whore I Spouse II. Mother of Elizabeth I (“Good Queen Bess,” queen of England 1558-1603).

Jane Seymour
Whore II Spouse III. Mother of Edward VI.

Thomas More
Saint. Lord High Chancellor. Loyal to Henry VIII, but loyal first to the Church. Beheaded.

Council of Trent
1545-1563 (not continuously; delegates had to eat)

St. Ignatius of Loyola
Founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Shock troops of the Counter-Reformation

St. Philip Neri
Funny man. Founder of the Oratorians.

St. Charles Borromeo
If there were a cigarette for bishops, he'd be on the cover, like the Marlboro Man. The model post-Tridentine bishop.

