The Gay Roll
Gay parents lined up to crash the Bush White House annual Easter egg hunt. Why? Symbolic, of course: "The gay groups said their gesture was meant to make their presence felt in American society even though Bush opposes legalizing gay marriage." Everything is symbolic with these folks.
I wonder what symbolic gestures they'll make when their poor children grow up wretched. In 20 years, the studies will start coming out, just as they have for children of divorced parents: gay parenting wasn't a good idea.
It's common sense, just as anyone with common sense could predict that the divorce culture would ravish children. Unfortunately, in a society driven by ideology and empiricism, dumb ideas don't die until the the damage is done because we can't debunk the ideas until we can show the damage.
In the meantime, they'll claim that their position is mere common sense. "I mean, we love little Tommy soooo much. That must mean he'll be alright. Nevermind 3,000-plus years of contrary familial practice."