
Miscellaneous Rambling

I've been hearing lots of Eagles on the radio lately. You'd think Henley had died or something.

I've always liked the Eagles, but I knew nothing about them. When Netflix aired a multi-episode documentary about the group, I started watching it. I quit after the first episode. The Eagles were more a product of Madison Avenue/Hollywood marketing than an American Idol finalist. Their story is about as inspiring as filling your tank at the gas station. Four guys with music industry connections get put together by a producer, they spray "desert mysticism" on themselves, and wham: you have a super group.

There is nothing more inauthentic than looking for the authentic, but the Eagles' inauthenticity borders on the fraudulent. I now understand the Dude (excuse the language):

Re: North Korea. Are we going to do anything about this? Or is Trump merely going to kick the can down the road his entire presidency like Obama did?

Dave Stockman dumps Houston on the fed's doorstep. I'm not sure he's entirely right, but he certainly has a point:
In short, Houston was not created by God, pioneers or free market developers and industrialists. It was all made possible by the handiwork of the Army Corps of Engineers and the Texas Congressional delegation. And that reaches way back to the 1930s, when one Jesse Jones, a Texas banker/developer who ran the original crony capitalist pork barrel known as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, provided much of the financing for the Houston Ship Channel.
Needless to say, all of this channeling, dredging, filling, banking, contouring and rerouting of mother nature's original scheme of things ended up creating a fiendishly complex water management system that mostly worked well enough during “normal” conditions for the last 75 years. But then came Hurricane Harvey, which busted all the parameters on which the water management system had been predicated. Now even CNN is truthfully reporting the unmitigated chaos and perverse feedbacks and backflows that have been unleashed.