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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

I took Jack and Michael (3rd and 4th kids) out for dinner last night. Of course, they had plans for the evening, so we had to eat early, at 5:00. Which I don't mind, but the double gin and tonics took an early toll on me.

Ceiling. Trastevere

You'll forgive typos. surely.

Ceiling. Trastevere

MAXimum Greens is coming along nicely. We have our first beet crop coming in this weekend. I grew the beets for their greens (they do well in the heat of summer), but we had such a mild summer, I didn't need them to round out the salad mixes, so now I'm getting ready to harvest the beets themselves. A first for me and MAXimum Greens.

Ceiling. Trastevere

"Still flailing desperately like a half-crushed bug about its electoral defeat last November, the modern left is tossing the term “white supremacist” at any suspected counterrevolutionaries with the same zealous abandon that Antifa chucks urine-filled bottles at old white ladies who wave American flags." Jim Goad.

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