
I haven't followed the new immigration bill closely, but I'm befuddled by all the protests. Is illegal immigration illegal? If so, it should be treated as, you know, illegal. According to Fox News, right now it's treated strictly as a civil matter, which means it's not a crime. That simply makes no sense. If it's against the law and it's causing our nation a lot of trouble, then the penalty should be elevated past the level of failing to use your turn signal (which is normally a civil infraction, not a criminal misdemeanor or felony).

I can appreciate that there might be prudential reasons to keep it a civil violation. The cost of enforcing it as a crime could be immense. But that's not the reason Hillary and Company are objecting. They think it's unfair to the illegal immigrants.

As some of my acquaintances would say, "WTF?" If it's illegal, then treat it as something illegal. It's not a game: "Ha! We caught ya. Now we'll send you back, and you can try again!"

Either open the borders completely or take real steps to seal them off. This oxymoronic approach--it's illegal, but not really, really illegal--is a debacle.