Wow, whatta week. If you were annoyed at the drop in TDE posts, just be grateful that the posts didn't stop altogether. I've posted 390 days in a row, but the string was almost snapped this week due to intense pressures at the office and, as always, family demands.
As most of you know, I'm a lawyer. I work in an office with an "eat what you kill" system: If I earn it, I keep it. I don't need to kick money to senior partners or pay off previous generations' debts. As a result, time is literally money. Hours billed x hourly rate = Wife's take.
It's a good system and I'm quite fortunate for the most part. But I'm stuck in a financial paradox: The more children I have, the more work hours I need to take on. Yet the more children I have, the less hours I have available. In the old days, I'd get busy and go into the office at 6:00 a.m. Now, I have to take the kids and their friends to school at 7:45. Can I stay late? No, almost every night of the week, the kids need to be picked up some place before 6:00. The result: My day is sandwiched, and I can't do the work. Because I refuse to over bill clients (detailed confession lists for lawyers explicitly mention it as a sin--whatta drag), I just have to opt for a heart attack or stroke.
Or work Saturdays, which I will be doing today. Blogging will be light. I'll take a break from work occasionally and do some blogging at the office, but the volume won't be great.
Reminder: If you know of any mainstream/print media outlets that sponsor blogs, I'd like to know about them (email on the left). Right now, I have Fox News, Washington Post, BusinessWeek, Guardian, The Scientific American, The New Republic, National Review, The American Spectator, First Things, Christianity Today, and The Weekly Standard.