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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

Happy birthday to my mom. She's a wonderful woman. They say a mother's love is unconditional. My mom proves they are right.

Ceiling. Trastevere

I took Michael and Meg out to eat Saturday night, and one of the big screens was showing the NFL draft. I was puzzled because I didn't think it started until this week. It turns out the NFL Network is broadcasting previous years' drafts. Man, and I thought I was a loser for watching the first round of the draft until the Lions pick. I can scarcely imagine what troglodyte sits around, watching, say, the 2010 draft.

Ceiling. Trastevere

That Manent sentence from yesterday's post is worth repeating: “We invite catastrophe by sincerely believing that the religious affiliation of a citizen has no political bearing or effect." Pierre Manent.

Ceiling. Trastevere

Another quote from Manent worth pondering: "Christian hope is based on faith. I believe that, amid the crumbling of Western civilization, which has begun, the supernatural character of the Church will become, paradoxically, more and more visible. The hatred of the world will turn against it more and more clearly. More clearly than ever the fate of all will depend on the 'little flock' of Christians."

