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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

Lent nears. I've never been a big fan of Mardi Gras, though. Excess on the eve of fast makes the fast much harder. Oh sure, I do a bit of it, but I'm not a big fan.

Ceiling. Trastevere

Every year, the Mardi Gras coverage makes me want to read some Walker Percy.

Ceiling. Trastevere

Interesting blog post: Did George Washington die a Catholic? The primary piece of evidence that he did: "Rev Francis Neale was called from Piscataway across the Potomac and stayed with General Washington four hours before he died." The priest wrote down what happened during those four hours and sealed it . . . the envelope was later sent to Rome, never to be seen again. It might surface some day. The post does a nice job of summarizing evidence against a deathbed conversion, including GW's Free Masonry.

Ceiling. Trastevere

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