Brews You Can Use: St. Patrick's Day Edition

My St. Patrick's Day present to you. I scoured the Internet and found stuff dealing with beer and St. Patrick's Day (I did it while watching the Tournament, so relatively painless). Enjoy the luck of the Irish.

Ten great Irish pubs in the United States.

300 Irish pubs in the United States.

A day in the life of a Guinness draft technician.

Everything you want to know about stout.

STRUGGLING beer brand Guinness is spending £2.5million on an electrical gadget called the Surger" to create the perfect pub pint in the home. The plug-in product sends an ultrasound signal through a glass to separate the black body from the creamy head, just as a pint settles when poured in a pub.

Irish beverage recipes.


Hail the Ale's St. Patrick's Day Beer Guide.

Chicago River.jpg

Chicago River, dyed green