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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

I don't like dogs. Well, I thought I didn't like dogs. After my trip to London, it appears I don't like American dogs. I don't like American dogs because they invade my space: my ears with their barking, my heart with their attacking, my crotch with their sniffing. But London dogs? They don't invade. They walk along their masters, no leash, and, like, just walk along their masters. All those things that American dogs do that would land a human being in jail? They simply don't do them. Very odd. I asked a Londoner about it, and he had no idea what to attribute it to.

Ceiling. Trastevere

Dale Ahlquist once told me that he disagrees with G.K. Chesterton about one thing: GKC said everyone should own a dog. If memory serves, Dale isn't a big dog fan, but hey, maybe if he dealt with London dogs like GKC did, he would be.

Ceiling. Trastevere

This is my favorite week of the year: two-and-a-half days in the office, then out for four-and-a-half days. I'm a bit crammed this week due to my London trip, but I worked most of Saturday and for a few hours Sunday evening, so I'm in decent shape.

Ceiling. Trastevere

I don't like to work on Sundays. I think it gets far too little respect these days in Christian circles. I don't think Mark 2:27 was supposed to nullify the third commandment, but it effectively has in many otherwise-Christian circles. At a priest's suggestion, I long ago resolved never to work on Sundays, except in extreme circumstances. It was the best work decision I've ever made. And when I do have to go in (like yesterday, given the short week sandwiched between two breaks), I make sure it's in the evening, which is consistent with our Jewish brethren's practice.

Ceiling. Trastevere

The Detroit Free Press explains why it called Michigan for Hillary Tuesday night. It doesn't admit, "Well, we just assumed Michigan wasn't a bunch of backward, bigoted, homosexual-hating, stupid, neanderthals can't see Hillary is clearly more qualified."

Ceiling. Trastevere

The holidays are coming up. If you can access Amazon through TDE, it is greatly appreciated.

Amazon Deals of the Day

