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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

My son wrote a college-admission essay. It was about why he values his Catholic faith. I told him that wasn't a good idea, given higher education's ensconcement in the far left. "You might as well," I told him, "write an essay about your involvement in the KKK."

Ceiling. Trastevere

The self-righteous, noted Bill Kauffman, are merciless. They also lack all sense of irony: Leftists (i.e., "pretty much all people") at Providence College want to drive out Anthony Esolen because he doesn't agree with their opinions about diversity.

Ceiling. Trastevere

Speaking of Esolen, he has concluded that the war against Catholics is here and the persecution is nigh. In this piece, he writes about the four types of Catholics who look forward to "the relentless institutional persecution that is coming our way unless we surrender the One Thing Needful to the secular left, and that is the family-destroying and state-feeding beast called the Sexual Revolution, with its seven heads and ten horns and the harlot squatting atop it."

Ceiling. Trastevere

Which is why I have virtually no respect for Catholics who vote Democrat any more. I've long been bothered by Catholics who voted for the abortion party, but in light of the question of religious freedom, it's difficult for me to muster any goodwill toward them. The only thing that helps me right now to muster charity is the polarizing alternative they have in Trump. I can't imagine the revulsion I'd feel if they had the option to vote for, say, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, or even Ted Cruz.

Ceiling. Trastevere

I picked five possible upsets last Saturday. All five favorites won. . . four by blow-outs. Which is exactly why I don't bet much. If I had to pick one thing that I'm really bad at, or have really bad luck with, it's betting on sports.

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