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Sunday Evening Eudemon

My apologies for the lame posting today. Sundays are rough, and this Sunday rougher than most. I attended Mass, wrote two articles, and prepared for and attended Meg's (4, turning 5) birthday party. That's combined with the regular stuff that Sundays bring: playing with the kids, talking with them, cleaning the house, etc.

In the future, you can probably count on similar slow Sundays. Most bloggers post nothing on Sundays. I won't drop to nothing, but I'll probably limit my production to the "Something for Sunday Morning" post and a handful of small posts, kind of like today. My blog traffic is slow on Sundays, so I'm writing for a reduced audience, and, as I mentioned earlier, it's hard to find blogging material on Sunday. I also, quite frankly, should be recognizing the sabbath with a bit more reverence.

I trust everyone understands.
