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Chesterton Short(s)

It sounds like the 2016 G.K. Chesterton Conference is going to be a humdinger. It's being held at Slippery Rock University, which is about 4.5 hours from me. I'm tempted to register, but I'm afraid I'll give Dale Ahlquist a heart attack if I show up. Since succumbing to the Demon of Mammon about ten years ago, I've been about as involved in things Chesterton as I've been involved in the opera (read: not at all).

Still, this Conference looks great. Joseph Pearce will speak on Chesterton and Belloc. Speakers will also discuss Flannery O'Connor, Dostoyevsky, and Waugh.

It might also give me an opportunity to meet Marcus Grodi, host of The Journey Home, who, through no intent on my part at all, has logged more time in my ear while gardening than any other entertainer. Grodi will be on a panel to discuss Distributism, an economic system that still holds a spot in my heart, even if I have mostly gone over to the Dark Side and embraced Misesian economics.

I have learned enough about my schedule (and lack of control over it) to know that I probably won't attend the Conference, but I am thinking about it. If any TDE readers think they might be attending, shoot me an email. I will toss it on the "Attend G.K. Conference" side of the scales.

