Marching in the Land of Free Speech

A pro-life marcher describes marching in San Fransisco:

[T]he pro-life walkers were flanked by hundreds of counter-protestors shouting obscenities, waving coat hangers, and mocking the Catholic Church. One pregnant woman bared her belly, on which she had scrawled in large black letters, “My baby is pro-choice.” Others wore red-stained nightshirts to symbolize the alleged dangers of outlawing abortion. Abortion-rights activists waved signs calling the pro-life walkers "Christian fascists" and "religious terrorists," urging them to "kill your kids" and "abort more Christians," and advocating "free abortions on demand." Some men dressed as cartoonish nuns with chalk-white face paint, mock religious habits, and fish-net stockings. Others wore buttons or carried signs depicting the cross with a red slash through it, or with a Swastika superimposed upon it.
There were far more offensive sights and sounds at the Walk for Life West Coast, but most cannot be described in a family newspaper. Thankfully for the pro-life marchers, the San Francisco police protected them from counter-protestors that the San Francisco Chronicle described as "loud and confrontational." Despite the harassment, the pro-lifers remained mostly silent as they marched behind a banner that said, "Abortion Hurts Women," breaking their silence only to pray and softly sing "Ave Maria" as pro-abortion activists repeatedly attempted to block their path.


Thanks, Ignatius Insight.