Well, at least he has the decency to admit it, which is more than any leaders in the federal government are wiling to do: Tony Blair apologises for 'mistakes' over Iraq War and admits 'elements of truth' to view that invasion helped rise of Isis.
Awhile back, I concluded that, if I'm angry about anything, no matter how just my anger seems, I am, at some level, wrong. I staunchly believe this. Even though I've gotten angry occasionally since coming to that conclusion, and I can look back at those recent episodes and think my anger was understandably piqued, I believe 100% in that conclusion: If I'm actually to the point of dwelling on a wrong, replaying something in my mind, raising my heart rate, or doing any of the other many things associated with anger, I am, at some level, wrong.
Our country needs to come to a similar conclusion when it comes to war.