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Brews You Can Use III. Got Beer?

This marketing blogger says there might be a movement afoot to start a "beer is good" campaign, in order to take back the recent market share gains by spirits and wine. The blogger's biggest question: can the big boys play nice together long enough to mount such a campaign?

Unless you've been locked in a closet or off in some remote corner of the world, you know that A-B, Miller and Coors have been going at each other like little girls for some time the detrament of all. Miller's "More Taste" campaign is tired...with only the Flava Flav courtroom spot standing out. Coors, well , they're basically a regional beer (did you know Busch beer out sells ALL of Coors?).
And the category leader, A-B, hasn't been acting as such and has been wasting time and resources responding to everyone for the last two years.
Anyway, I like the move of creating a "Got Beer?" style movement...but it will be interesting to see who plays, who pouts...and who wins.
