

Slate magazine has never seen a politically-correct cause it didn't like. Last week, they jumped into the craft beer arena with this self-righteous tripe: Craft Brewing Has a Sexism Problem: There are gross puns and derogatory illustrations on far too many beer labels. The misogyny needs to stop.

The article is written by Will Gordon, which is obviously some woman's pen name.

The content of the story is NC-17, so read at your own risk, but the thing that struck me most about the piece is this: Mrs. Gordon's objection is based on sexism? The examples he provides in the article aren't sexist: they're downright pornographic and obscene.

But such an objection, of course, isn't politically correct, so the Slate writer has to dress up his objection to the obscenity in terms of "misogyny," which is like referring to Hitler's holocaust as "bullying."

Notwithstanding the unfortunate examples in the article, the colorful names and labels on craft beers is one of the best parts of the beer revolution. As part of the effort, I hereby offer the following names that anyone in the industry may appropriate. Neither payment nor even artistic acknowledgement is expected:

Beer Foot and Pregnant
Iron My Beer
Wife Beater
Fist City
Bitch, Make Me a Sandwich
No Girls Allowed
Squaw Bait
Not for WNBA Fans
Repeal the Nineteenth Amendment
Good for One Thing
Pimp Slap
Drink Hard and Put Away Wet

A brewer could also use the name rejected by Pepsi when it ran a social media campaign to name its next brand of Mountain Dew. The characters at 4Chan launched a blitz and ran the name "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" to the top.