Good Alito Commentary
Professor Bainbridge is providing pretty good coverage of the Alito hearings. He's worth reading. Recent excerpt about Kennedy's criticisms of Alito's alleged sexism and unethical behavior:
Has Ted Kennedy ever been more loathsome than during these hearings? Personally, I'm having a very hard time listening to sexism and ethics charges coming out of the mouth of a guy whose record includes being expelled from Harvard for cheating, Chappaquiddick, waitress sandwiches with Chris Dodd, and Palm Beach shenanigans. He's nothing but a bully and a hypocrite, whose only tactic is the Big Lie, a stratagem at which the Kennedy clan are all masters, of course. The really disturbing thing is that we're all so used to Kennedy's behavior by now that it induces jokes or a weary shrug of the shoulders rather than the moral outrage it deserves.
And this about the incredibly long-winded senators:
Instead of letting Alito talk and, perhaps, twist slowly in the wind, the Democrats (and the GOP too, of course) simply can't shut up. The worst offender is Biden who reportedly took "12 minutes to get off a single question to Alito" and used 3673 words to Alito's 1013, but they all seem to have contracted a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth.