
Santa Claus is on the 'net:

Out-of-work actor Kevin Lowry thinks he has not only stumbled upon a holiday gold mine, but perhaps his perfect role: Santa Claus.
No matter that the 27-year-old Chicagoan has nary a white hair upon his head, or that he tips the scales at a quite unjolly 145 pounds. The only appearances Lowry's Santa is making are on the Internet and telephone, calling children whose parents have discovered his website, http://www.SantaCallsMe.com.
Lowry is an e-Santa, a growing Internet presence that, for a fee, calls or e-mails children and adults during the holidays and takes on the Father Christmas persona. . . .
Lowry had a friend last summer design his website, which lists the different options for calls and e-mails. A "Silver Bells" package, for example, is $14.99 and includes a phone call from Santa from Dec. 1 though Dec. 23. A call on Dec. 24 is $19.99. And rings from Kriss Kringle will run you $24.99 on Christmas.
E-mails from Santa are $6.99 and to e-mail Santa and get a reply costs $11.99.
Lowry has about five orders a day from customers all over the nation, and he expects more to come in as the holiday nears.

LA Times Link.

Just more Christmas crass commercialism.

Man, I wish I had thought of it.