Bowling might be making a comeback, but it's going to look different. It's called "boutique bowling," and it's tony. It's not my style, but bowling with beer is a good time, no matter how you glitz it. WaPo Link.
There's a long sleek bar with specialty cocktails ($9 and $10) and beer ($4.50 and $5.50) never served in pitchers, a strategic decision that sends a message: "It says we're upscale," according to assistant general manager Tim Woody. So does this: No one under 21 after 9 p.m.
There are plump couches and living room lamps, and everywhere are huge video screens designed to show images of contemporary art -- though on Friday the art satellite connection is out, so for the night we're back to ESPN.
Heck, these places are nice enough for a Bar Mitzvah.