Go Get 'Em, Liberty Fund

The "Christmas Wars" make me a little bit uneasy, but they're necessary. The secularists have beaten the tar out of Christians for too long, and it results in things like the practice in one Ridgeway, Wisconsin elementary school that has completely banned all expressions of "Christmas," brought in a "Christmas witch" named "Labafana," and--most disturbing of all--co-opted Silent Night and turned it into a secularist tune:

Cold in the night, no one in sight;
Winter winds whirl and bite.
How I wish I were happy and warm,
Safe with my family out of the storm.

The Warren Court declared that Christmas is a secular holiday. Chief Justice Warren actually meant well. It was his attempt to prevent his renegade Court from abolishing the public celebration of Christmas altogether. The Christmas Wars are just one of the many debacles we're dealing with in the wake of Warren & Co., and we'll be dealing with them for a long time--unless we just capitulate altogether, which is what the secularists want when they scream "precedent" and "the religious right is trying to take over America."