Marriage is Healthy
People in committed relationships are happier than people who aren't, and married people may be the happiest of all.
A new study shows people who are married report the highest levels of well-being, regardless of whether they are happily married or not.
"Even when controlling for relationship happiness, being married is associated with higher self-esteem, greater life satisfaction, greater happiness, and less distress," says researcher Claire Kamp Dush, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Social Sciences at Cornell University, in a news release.
The evidence is believable. It's consistent with the idea that marriage is the fundamental building block of society. After all, why would we be created in a way that calls for marriage, unless it's good for us and for society?
Of course, when the homosexuals get ahold of this evidence, they'll start claiming that denying them gay marriage is tantamount to a death sentence. They need to take up the argument with God, since he created and sanctioned the opposite sexes and the state of marriage, but since He's not inclined to change His mind much, they'll beat on the rest of us with their demands.