Ford Capitulates?
Just as every "Happy Holidays" greeting isn't a capitulation to secularists, gays oughtta recognize that every refusal to fund their causes isn't a capitulation to the "religious right":
Ford Motor Co. said it will stop running ads for its Jaguar and Land Rover brands in the gay press, helping to avoid a confrontation with conservative Christians but setting up a fight with gays and lesbians.
The American Family Association, a conservative religious group, launched a boycott of Ford this year for extending marriage benefits to same-sex couples and giving "thousands of dollars to support homosexual groups and their agenda," the group said in written statement. The group criticized Ford for supporting gay commitment ceremonies and gay pride parades. . . .
Gay groups denounced Ford's decision as a capitulation to the religious right. "It looks pretty clear that they have bowed to the American Family Association's demands," said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights advocacy group.
The recognition of same-sex couples for benefits purposes and direct funding of homosexual causes are apparently still in place, but some (not all) advertising in homosexual publications has been cut. Yet Ford is now deemed to be capitulating to the religious right.
Those guys are paranoid or, as Spicoli might say, "Those guys are fags." (I love to let someone else do my dirty work.)