Alito Wars
As a Justice Department lawyer in the Reagan administration, Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. helped devise a legal strategy to persuade the high court to restrict and eventually overturn Roe v. Wade , the historic decision legalizing abortion.
Remember the peaceful days when Alito was first nominated? Everyone was impressed with him, and everyone thought he'd be fine. All the usual secularist subjects were friendly, yet prior to his nomination, he had a reputation of being very conservative. Why were they so friendly then, but so fierce now? Yes, documents are being produced and found. That's part of it, but much of the record was already there.
I don't know the answer, but I strongly suspect the secularist press was just waiting and preparing the scene. Under the guise of fairness and balance ("We don't like Alito? Naw. Look at the favorable press we gave him back in early November"), they will attack him mercilessly. Just my hunch, of course, but I'd bet my Elvis Christmas ornament collection that I'm right.