Time to Get New Friends
The good James Kushiner comments on a new product:
What really spun me around completely, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since, is one small box marked "Drink Check": "Protect yourself, or your loved one from having illicit drugs slipped into a drink. Drink Check will detect if GHB or Ketamine have been slipped into your drink unknowingly. Do not allow yourself, or someone you love, to become a victim." On the box there is a picture of young man handing a drink to an unsuspecting young woman." (You can see for yourself here.) OK, if you can't trust the person giving you the drink to not be doping you in order to take sexual advantage of you in the first place, why would you want to accept a drink from such a person at all?
I understand that in certain situations a young woman may not be able to trust everyone at a particular "party" and someone unknown to her may be passing around drugged drinks. It's not the sort of place, though, you would want your kids to hang out.
I am still in a state of disbelief over this product, though I can see why it was developed. In such a decadent culture as ours, there will be no end to the bandaids and preventatives and educational efforts required to help protect our children and young adults from the fallout of behavior that should have never been tolerated in the first place. You either have a sexually-liberated society and pay the price in abortion, stds, date rape, etc. or you put sex back where it belongs. If the surrounding society doesn't support the latter, then it's even more of an uphill struggle.