

One of the better overviews I've read about why the liquor laws in these United States are such a mess. From intro: After Prohibition, the federal government created the three-tier system of alcohol distribution to minimize collusion, prevent widespread alcohol abuse and, most important, to make money for itself. There's the supplier, which releases a given spirit; the distributor, the middle-man between supplier and seller; and the seller, who sells that spirit to buyers. Buyers range from bars and restaurants to consumers like you and me. * * * * * * * Of course, some states are worse than others. Michigan is really bad. I've heard Pennsylvania might be the worst. I'd be curious to see a state-by-state liquor fascism ranking. * * * * * * * One of the most interesting drinking stories in awhile: A scientist claims that we're close to having alcohol-free alcohol. It'll give you all the benefits of drinking (the buzz) with none of the drawbacks (hangovers). Paint me skeptical, and even if it's true, you know there'll be adverse consequences of some sort. Science does a good job with technology and delivering something new. It's poor at changing stuff that's old, and nothing's older than alcohol.