Planned Parenthood Stoops Even Lower

Planned Parenthood has a new marketing strategy for their abortion services: the cross of Jesus. According to a report in the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, Planned Parenthood's national chaplain, United Methodist Ignacio Castuera is traveling the heartland seeking clergy to support Planned Parenthood's "pro-choice" agenda. As you might imagine, not too many are falling for it. Castuera says he's not shocked by the lack of response.
"The closer Jesus got to the cross, the smaller the crowds got," he said. "This is pretty close to the cross because people have to take derision, ostracism, all that."
When Planned Parenthood claims a constitutional right to abortion in the United States Constitution that is one thing. When the group claims the cross as its own logo, that's even worse.
