Larry the Cable Guy
A snapshot of Larry the Cable Guy from Slate:
Larry is a one-liner comedian. He boasts that he can deliver a joke in as little as eight seconds. He will sometimes follow a joke with, "That's funny, I don't care who you are," or "Git-r-done!"–an exhortation to get something done. Larry has staked out a few moral principles. Onstage, he refuses to say the f-word or take the Lord's name in vain. In a new book, Git-R-Done, he lists some other principles: support for the National Rifle Association; worship of John Wayne and Lynyrd Skynyrd; an interest in bird-huntin' and four-wheelin'; sympathy for the Confederate flag; being "first and foremost an American"; and a belief in Jesus Christ. After telling a lurid joke, Larry will often turn to the floor, squeeze his eyes shut, and mumble, "Lord, I apologize"–an affectation he says he picked up from his father, a preacher.