Womyn in Bed Poll
This has all the polling sample merit of a Kinsey Institute study:
Most twentysomething women prefer silence during sex and many would go all the way for money, a titillating new survey reveals.
Results of an Internet sex poll published in the November issue of Jane magazine also exposes the fact that women think about sex almost as much as men, with 54% wanting it every day but only 15% getting it that often.
"I guess what struck me most was how enthusiastic all the responses were," said Katy McColl, 28, Jane's senior editor.
The vast majority of the 3,740 participants in the poll fit the glossy's demographic: single women, 20 to 29 years old, said McColl. She added that 2% of those surveyed said they were virgins.
Just as Alfred Kinsey used interviews with prison inmates for large sections of his "normal American" sex studies, I respectfully suggest that the women who read Jane don't represent a cross-swath of America's females.