
Public service announcement: The Ohio Craft Brewers Association is looking for an Executive Director. Go here for more information. I would apply, but I fear my gluten disorder and love for the Wolverines disqualify me. * * * * * * * Man, I need a drink. In my annual NCAA auction (an alternative to the confusion that is bracketology), I bought Davidson, Pittsburgh, Bucknell, Valparaiso, and St. Mary's. Based on the auction prices, three of those teams were favorites yesterday and they all lost. * * * * * * * I hope the weather warms up soon (more on that tomorrow). I'm not going to have any money to eat. * * * * * * * Just drink. * * * * * * * Good thing we're heading into Holy Week and fasting. * * * * * * * Americans are stupid. Exhibit A: Federal government and they way we let it run all over us, fooling ourselves into thinking that voting makes a significant difference at the national level. Exhibit B: Our taste in beers. Here's a list of the ten beers that Americans think are the best. Five of them are absolute swill. Of the other five, only one of them for sure qualifies as a good beer (Sam Adams). (One other, Yuengling, might be alright; I've never tasted it; and Guinness has my respect, if not my palate.) The other three are middling, at best. * * * * * * * Corporate America is getting something right: Beer Cart Fridays. This small perk provides free beer to employees on Fridays. Now, it sounds like employees are often limited to one, so that kinda sucks, but hey, it's a small step in a good direction. I'll take a good baby step any day, especially when we see so few such steps.