Intelligent Design Rhetoric Heats Up

I don't know much about ID or evolution, but I've always been struck by the absolute lack of civility coming from the evolutionists who have been trying to shout down ID with name-calling and similiar responses. An ID proponent strikes back, but with nowhere near the insulting flare of his opponents:

A leading U.S. critic of evolution accused two scientific organizations on Tuesday of politics and misleading the public in their rejection of "intelligent design."
He also compared intelligent design -- which holds that nature is so complex it must have been the work of a creator -- to the "Big Bang" theory, saying it just may take time for scientists to accept it.
"The National Academy of Sciences treats intelligent design in a way what I consider utterly misleading. Talk about scholarly malfeasance!" said Michael Behe, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.
Behe also criticized the American Association for the Advancement of Science in testimony in a federal lawsuit brought by 11 parents who are challenging their school district for introducing intelligent design to science classes.
