
Fox Sports is Coming

Hallelujah! Is the tyranny of women's basketball and NASCAR coverage about to end? Fox is launching a nationwide sports network to compete with ESPN.

Please, Fox, please: No political correctness. Hit us with football, baseball, basketball, and hockey. Toss in coverage of other sports for flavor, but no more than flavor. Here's an ideal line up (I'm practically doing their programming research for them):

1. Emphasize the four major sports in their respective seasons, laying particularly heavy emphasis on football.
2. No women's basketball. At all. Through the ramrodding political correctness of our media, women's basketball has become reviled among men. Most of us hate it because it has been pushed down our throats. This is unfortunate. None of us innately hate it (why should we care if women play basketball?), but our resentment towards it has grown in direct proportion to the amount of effort the MSM has put into making it artificially popular. I believe the social engineering sought by the media has backfired and made women's basketball--which should be a nice sport available to females--into the poster child for everything that's wicked about political correctness.
3. A smattering of female sports coverage when big events occur: Wimbledon, certain female Olympic sports, etc. No Danica. Please, no Danica. She's probably a fine woman, but geez.
4. No NASCAR, for that matter, unless perhaps at Daytona. (Aside: I believe the points in this list represent the thoughts of most men, but given NASCAR's incredible popularity, this point number 4 is probably more of a personal preference.)
5. The lesser sports should be featured when they're featuring a big event: the four major golf tournaments, the four major tennis tournaments, Olympics, etc. Other than that, their coverage should be restricted to providing spice. Soccer, incidentally, falls into this category.
6. Keep the human interest stories to a minimum.

That's it. I, of course, don't know much about sports and I know even less about sports programming, but if they want the perspective of a middle-aged white man (i.e., of the devil himself), they now have it.

I look forward to seeing what happens on August 1st.

Something for Lent

"The self must be honored as God's creature, yet put to death." Gilbert Meilaender, The Taste for the Other: The Social and Ethical Thought of C.S. Lewis (a classic, incidentally).