Possibly the Oddest Script I've Seen
Here's a link to a site for EIDOS (Everyone is Doing Outrageous Sex). They're pro-war and pro-sex:
Since 1983, Brenda Loew and EIDOS magazine have advocated sexual freedom, freedom of choice and privacy rights for consenting adults of all erotic and sexual orientations, preferences and lifestyles.
Who does EIDOS contrast itself with? Two groups: Neo-Nazis and Marxist Quakers (poor Whittaker Chambers):
Neo Nazis are Holocaust revisionists who support Palestinian suicide bombers and would shoot on sight anyone crossing into this country illegally. They detest homosexuality. They believe America's media are controlled by a communist Jewish conspiracy. These hatemongers hate Disney, Sumner Redstone (Viacom, MTV, etc.), pornography, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), Blacks, Mexicans, Middle Easterners (all non-whites), liberalism, feminism, multiracialism, intermarriage, diversity, etc. White racial activists believe "”¦ the real criminals are the traitors in Washington who are responsible for September 11, 2001”¦." They recently demonstrated in Seattle against the War in Iraq. because, like Hitler and Saddam Hussein, they would like to see Jews and Israel destroyed.
Marxist Quakers:
On the Marxist far left, a Quaker organization calling itself the American Friends Service Committee http://www.afsc.org/iraq/Default.htm has been mobilizing gays, lesbians, bisexual, transgendered, queer "rainbow" Quakers, Muslims, battered women, disabled and indigent people, Arabs, Asians, Native Americans, South Americans, Latin Americans, Africans, and other third world people and laborers to demonstrate against U.S policy concerning the war in Iraq . . . Kindred spirits include Marxist-leftist entertainment celebrities Barbra Streisand, Madonna, Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore and Democratic Presidential hopefuls Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts and Vermont (state where gay marriage is legal) Governor Howard Dean and others.
All these fringe groups just come around full circle and find points of agreement: same holdings, different rationales. If only de Tocqueville were alive to see all this. His commentary would be gold.