Texas Ready to Line Up?

The battle is heating up in the Lone Star state:

[A commercial against the proposed Texas ban on same-sex marriage ban] is one of seven unveiled here Wednesday by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is part of the opening advertising campaign in a battle over a ballot proposition to ban same-sex marriage in the Texas Constitution.
The volatile issue comes before Texas voters on Nov. 8, a year after 13 states changed their constitutions to ban same-sex marriage and half a year after Kansas. The television spots will appear several times a day for a week on three network affiliates in the Houston area. The final message of the spots: Vote no.
In an equally charged drive to pass the proposed amendment, the Texas Restoration Project, a network of conservative Christian pastors and others, has been mobilizing supporters to turn out for the vote.
A clergyman active in the effort, the Rev. Dwight McKissick of the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, said he hoped the state referendums would be steppingstones to amending the United States Constitution. "They're all free to practice their lifestyle," he said of gay people, "but not to redefine marriage."

NYT Link.

I realize it's a commonplace complaint, but why is the Texas Restoration Project referred to as "conservative," but the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force isn't labeled "liberal"? For that matter, why refer to TRA as "Christian" but not refer to the NGLTF as "secularist"? I think it's safe to assume NGLTF would fit both labels.